Faculty Members

Faculty Members

Ram Band

Associate Professor
Differential Equations, Mathematical Physics

Aviv Censor

Senior Teaching Associate

Nicholas Crawford

Associate Professor
Mathematical Physics, Probability, Statistical Mechanics

Nadav Dym

Assistant Professor
Development and theoretical analysis of algorithms using mathematical tools from fields such as approximation theory, optimization, or invariant theory to study problems in machine learning, computer vision and related fields.

Chaim Even Zohar

Assistant Professor
Discrete Mathematics  

Yuval Filmus

Associate Professor, secondary appointment
Boolean function analysis, Computational complexity, Combinatorics, Submodular optimization

Nir Gavish

Associate Professor
Applied Mathematics; Phase field models; Nonlinear Schrodinger equation;Auction theory

Ilya Gekhtman

Assistant Professor
 Dynamical Systems, Geometry and Topology, Lie Theory and Ergodic Theory

Ofir Gorodetsky

Assistant Professor
Number theory, finite fields, probability

Gilad Gour

Mathematical aspects of quantum information science and the foundations of quantum mechanics

Max Gurevich

Assistant Professor
representation theory of p-adic groups treated by methods originating in the domain of quantum algebra.

Shai Haran

Associate Professor
Number Theory

Nir Lazarovich

Associate Professor
Geometric group theory; Low dimensional topology

Ron Levie

Assistant Professor
Mathematical foundations of deep learning, Graph neural networks, Applied harmonic analysis, Time-frequency and wavelet analysis

Chen Meiri

Associate Professor
Group theory; Finite groups, Arithmetic groups and the connection between them

Roy Meshulam

Discrete Mathematics
Isoperimetric Inequality, Convex Body, Riemannian Manifold

Shay Moran

Associate Professor
Mathematical problems arising from the field of computer science with an emphasis on combinatorial and geometric problems related to machine learning.  

Danny Neftin

Associate Professor
 Algebra; Number theory; Arithmetic geometry

Erez Nesharim

Assistant Professor
Dynamical Systems,  Lie Theory and Ergodic Theory, Number Theory

Howard Nuer

Assistant Professor
Algebraic geometry  

Rom Pinchasi

Combinatorics, Discrete Geometry, Computational Geometry, Topological Graphs

Tali Pinsky

Assistant Professor
Dynamical Systems, Low-Dimensional Topology

Ross Pinsky

Probability and stochastic processes, Partial Differential Equations

Michael Polyak

Professor, Vice Dean
Knot theory, Low-dimensional topology

Ariel Rapaport

Assistant Professor
Fractal geometry, Ergodic theory

Ron Rosenthal

Associate Professor
Mathematical Physics, Probability and stochastic processes

Liran Rotem

Assistant Professor
Convex geometry, Functional analysis, functional inequalities
Applied mathematics, Optics, Continuum mechanics

Michah Sageev

Geometric Group Theory, Low-Dimensional Topology

Amir Sagiv

Assistant Professor
Applied Mathematics, Stochastic Algorithms and Modeling, Mathematical Physics, Partial Differential Equations

Igal Sason

Professor, secondary appointment
Information theory and its connections to other mathematical fields such as (classical and generalized) information measures, analysis, and probabilistic and combinatorial aspects of information theory

Itai Shafrir

Partial Differential Equations, Calculus of Variations

Orr Shalit

Functional Analysis (mainly Operator Theory and Operator Algebras), Spaces and Algebras of Holomorphic Functions

Uri Shapira

Dynamical Systems,  Lie Theory and Ergodic Theory
Applied mathematics, Asymptotic methods, Fluid mechanics
Combinatorics, theory of computation
Dynamical Systems