פבר 2025
מרץ 2025
Landscapes Evolutionary Dynamics on Degenerate Flat Landscapes
- Razi Fachareldeen
- NBRL seminar room (Fischbach 430) , ECE faculty
מאי 2025
On-site Workshop on Control and Optimization II
- Simeon Reich, Vladimir Shikhman, Boris Vexler, Alexander Zaslavski
- Amado 232
דצמ 2022
מרץ 2023
Norms of basic operators in vector valued model spaces and de Branges spaces
- Kousik Dhara
- Orr Shalit
- Amado 814
Pavel Chebotarev – Majority domination on regular graphs: A new look
- Pavel Chebotarev
- 814 Amado
Bounds between the time complexity of the word problem of a group and the Dehn function of its Higman embedding
- Bogdan Chornomaz (Technion)
- Amado 719
Cable Car Algebra Seminar: Poisson-Lie groups and cluster structures
- Alek Vainstein (Haifa U.)
- Amado 814
אפר 2023
Directional asymptotics of Fejér monotone sequences
- Manish Krishan Lal (University of British Columbia)
- Prof. Simeon Reich
- Amado 814
The hidden structure in Apery's proof
- Ofir David (Technion)
- Amado 814
Elisha Netanyahu Memorial Lecture
- Prof. Claire Voisin (Collège de France, France
- Sego 1
Approximation of diagonally invariant measure by tori measures
- Yuval Yifrach (Technion)
- Amado 814
Clarke Jacobians, Bouligand Jacobians, and compact connected sets of matrices
- Marian Fabian (Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
- Room 814, Amado Mathematics Building
Asaf Cohen Antonir (TAU) — The upper tail problem for irregular graphs
- Asaf Cohen Antonir
- Chaim Even-Zohar
- 814 Amado
Stationary random subgroups in negative curvature
- Arie Levit (TAU)
- Amado 719
Cable Car Algebra Seminar: Semiorthogonal decompositions of derived categories of moduli spaces of vector bundles on a curve.
- Jenia Tevelev (U. Mass. Amherst)
- Howard Nuer, Anton Khoroshkin, Danny Neftin, Max Gurevich
- U. Haifa, Main building room 626
Cable Car Algebra Seminar: Derangements in permutation groups
- Danielle Garzoni (Tel Aviv University)
- Howard Nuer, Anton Khoroshkin, Danny Neftin, Max Gurevich
- U. Haifa, Main building room 626
MSc Graduation Seminar – Measurement Simplification in POMDP with Performance Guarantees
- Tom Yotam
Gromov's h-principle for corank two distribution of odd rank with maximal first Kronecker index
- Igor Zelenko (Texas A&M)
- Amado 719
Integrable PDEs and long-diagonal pentagram maps
- Boris Khesin (U of Toronto)
- Amado 719
מאי 2023
Isometric dilation and von Neumann inequality for a class of n-tuples of commuting contractions
- Sibaprasad Barik (BGU)
- Orr Shalit
- Amado 814
Shachar Lovett (UCSD) — The monomial structure of boolean functions
- Shachar Lovett
- Chaim Even Zohar
- 814 Amado
Automorphisms of the fine curve graph
- Yvon Verberne (U of Toronto)
- Amado 719
Periodic approximations of substitution dynamical systems
- Lior Tenenbaum (Technion)
- Amado 814
Gauss-Legendre Features for Scalable Gaussian Process Regression
- Paz Fink Shustin
- Nadav Dym
- Amado 814
קבוצות תרגול ייחודיות עבור סטודנטים שחוזרים על קורס
- רבקה אביטל, הפקולטה למתמטיקה
- אביב צנזור
- אמאדו 814 ובזום
Borel asymptotic dimension for boundary actions of hyperbolic groups
- Petr Naryshkin (Munster)
- Orr Shalit
- Amado 814
Igal Sason (Technion) — On the Lovász theta-Function, Graph Capacity, and Strong Products
- Igal Sason
- Chaim Even Zohar
- 814 Amado
Cable Car Algebra Seminar: Completed PBW theorem and Massey operations in cohomology of nilpotent Lie algebras
- Grigory Papayanov (North Eastern University & Weizmann Institute)
- Howard Nuer, Anton Khoroshkin, Danny Neftin, Max Gurevich
- U. Haifa, Main building room 626
Cable Car Algebra Seminar: Generalized geometry through Clifford algebra glasses
- Roberto Rubio (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
- Howard Nuer, Anton Khoroshkin, Danny Neftin, Max Gurevich
- U. Haifa, Main building room 626
Universality for R^d flows
- Shrey Sanadhya (BGU)
- Amado 814
M.Sc. graduation seminar: eneralization of Shelah and Spencer 0-1 Laws to Multi- Parameter Random Simplicial Complexes.
- עידן חן
- אמאדו 814
Towards a noncommutative theory of Cowen-Douglas class of noncommuting operators
- Prahllad Deb (BGU)
- Orr Shalit
- Amado 814
Algebraic/geometric problems for certain quantum interaction models
- Masato Wakayama
- Shai Haran
- Amado 719
Bogdan Chornomaz — Geometric obstruction to replicability in learning
- Bogdan Chornomaz
- Chaim Even Zohar
- 814 Amado
M.Sc. Graduation Seminar – The Bogomolov-Gieseker Inequality for Surfaces with Rational Double Points
- אלן סורני
- אמאדו 814
Cable Car Algebra Seminar: On tempered representations
- Alexander Yom Din (Hebrew University)
- Howard Nuer, Anton Khoroshkin, Danny Neftin, Max Gurevich
- Technion, Amado Building 814
Convexity and second order theory in calculus of variations
- Alexander Ioffe
- Nadav Dym
- Amado 814
ChatGPT – Dr. Gadi Alexandrovich
- ד"ר גדי אלכסנדרוביץ
- ד"ר אביב צנזור
- אמאדו 232 ובזום
Yuval Filmus — Nearly linear functions on the symmetric group
- Yuval Filmus
- Chaim Even-Zohar
- 814 Amado
Invariant norms on diffeomorphism groups: old and new results
- Michael Brandenbursky
- Amado 232
M.Sc. Graduation Seminar: On Blocky rank of matrices
- Daniel Avraham
- Amado 719
The correlation length of near-critical percolation
- Gady Kozma (Weizmann)
- Meyer building (electrical engeneering), room 861
Jonathan Shafer (UC Berkeley) — A Trichotomy for Transductive Online Learning
- Jonathan Shafer
- Chaim Even Zohar
- 814 Amado
יונ 2023
Minimally Ramified Dihedral Extensions Over Fq(T) – Graduation Seminar
- Tal Shahaf
- Amado 814
Cable Car Algebra Seminar: The wavefront set of unipotent representations with real infinitesimal character
- Emile Okada (National University of Singapore)
- Max Gurevich, Anton Khoroshkin, Danny Neftin, Howard Nuer
- Technion, Amado Building 814
Entropy equipartition along almost geodesics in negatively curved groups
- Felix Pogorzelski (Leipzig)
- Amado 814
Tightness for the Cover Time of Wired Planar Domains
- Oren Louidor (Technion)
- Meyer (EE) 861
“Projective freeness and Hermiteness of complex function algebras”
- Alexander Brudnyi (University of Calgary, Canada)
- Yuri Brudnyi, Pavel Shvartsman
- Amado 814
Daniel Carmon — Dual systolic graphs
- Daniel Carmon
- Chaim Even-Zohar
- 814 Amado
Fighting Chaos with Chaos (joint with the GDRT seminar)
- Hagai Perets (Technion, Physics)
- Amado 719
Cable Car Algebra Seminar: A variant of Harish-Chandra functors
- Uri Onn (Australian National University)
- Max Gurevich, Anton Khoroshkin, Danny Neftin, Howard Nuer
- U. of Haifa, Main Building, Auditorium 626
Cable Car Algebra Seminar: Functor morphing in representation theory
- Ehud Meir (University of Aberdeen)
- Max Gurevich, Anton Khoroshkin, Danny Neftin, Howard Nuer
- U. of Haifa, Main Building, Auditorium 626