יול 2024
Asymptotically commuting measures have the same harmonic functions
- Omer Segev (BGU)
- Amado 919
Cable Car Algebra Seminar: Dimer models on non-orientable surfaces
- Sefi Ladkani (UHaifa)
- Max Gurevich, Anton Khoroshkin, Danny Neftin, Howard Nuer
- Technion, Amado Building, Room 814
Cable Car Algebra Seminar: Growth rate of monomial algebras and entropy in derived categories
- Dmitri Piontkovski (HSE Moscow)
- Max Gurevich, Anton Khoroshkin, Danny Neftin, Howard Nuer
- Technion, Amado Building, Room 814
"Confined discrete subgroups of semisimple Lie groups."
- Arie Levit (Tel Aviv University)
- Ilya Gekhtman and Ron Levie
- Amado 232
Gil Alon (Open University) — The Collatz map in F_2[x]
- Gil Alon
- Chaim Even Zohar
- 814 Amado
Small cancellation and applications
- Gil Goffer (UCSD)
- Amado 919
Sampling methods for the disk and for 3D rotations
- Rene Ruhr
- Amado 814
Stochastic models for nonlinear second order PDE solutions and numerical approximations
- Yana Belopolskaya
- Zisapel building, room 506 (NOTE THE SPECIAL LOCATION)
CTL* Verification and Synthesis using Existential Horn Clauses
- Mishel Carelli
A gap labeling theorem for Schrödinger operators on metric graphs
- Gilad Sofer (Technion)
- Nick Crawford and Howard Nuer
- Faculty Lounge 8th floor Amado
Yuval Filmus (Technion) — Intersecting Families of Permutations and Certificates
- Yuval Filmus
- Chaim Even Zohar
- 814 Amado
Richly Branching Flats or: A Coarse Geometric Obstruction to Cubulation
- Zachary Munro (Technion)
- Amado 919
Cable Car Algebra Seminar: Symplectic duality and Hikita-Nakajima conjecture
- Vasily Krylov (MIT)
- Max Gurevich, Anton Khoroshkin, Danny Neftin, Howard Nuer
- Technion, Amado Building, Room 814
Cable Car Algebra Seminar: Homological connections between GLn(Qp) and sln(C)
- Rida Saabna (Technion)
- Max Gurevich, Anton Khoroshkin, Danny Neftin, Howard Nuer
- Technion, Amado Building, Room 814
Homological connections between GLn(Qp) and sln(C)
- Rida Saabna
- Amado 814
Highest weight category for representations of Borel subalgebras.
- Lila Nechaev
- Amado 814
Cable Car Algebra Seminar: Highest weight category for representations of Borel subalgebras
- Lila Nechaev (Technion)
- Max Gurevich, Anton Khoroshkin, Danny Neftin, Howard Nuer
- Technion, Amado Building, Room 814
Indexing periodic trajectories for three-dimensional flows
- Eran Igra (Technion)
- Amado 814
Distance problems for typical norms
- Noga Alon, Princeton and Tel Aviv
- Ilya Gekhtman and Ron Levie
- Amado 232
Danny Hefetz (Ariel) — Colouring graphs from random lists
- Danny Hefetz
- Chaim Even Zohar
- 814 Amado
Harmonic measures for random walks on Fuchsian groups
- Peter Kosenko (University of British Columbia)
- Amado 919
Classifying stationary measures on S^1 with respect to the action of Fuchsian groups
- Peter Kosenko (UBC)
- Amado 814
Eigenfunction expansion and subordinacy theory of Jacobi operators on Z
- Netanel Levi
- Nadav Dym
- Amado 814
Sample Compression and Topological Radon Theorem
- Bogdan Chornomaz (Technion)
- Nick Crawford and Howard Nuer
- Faculty Lounge 8th floor Amado
Nir Lavee (HUJI) — How Balanced Can Permutations Be?
- Nir Lavee
- Chaim Even Zohar
- 814 Amado
אוג 2024
Irrationality measure functions
- Viktoria Rudykh (Technion)
- Amado 814
Object detection under the linear subspace model
- Yoel Shkolnisky
- Ilya Gekhtman and Ron Levie
- Amado 232
Max Gurevich (Technion) — Partition duality in the representation theory of signed permutation groups
- Max Gurevich
- Chaim Even Zohar
- 814 Amado
The isomorphism problem for analytic discs and the embedding dimension for complete Pick spaces
- Mikhail Mironov
- Amado 719
Arithmetic Dynamics
- Angelot Behajaina (Technion)
- Nick Crawford and Howard Nuer
- Faculty Lounge 8th floor Amado
CANCELLED: Gal Beniamini (HUJI) — The Rank-Ramsey Problem and the Log-Rank Conjecture
- Gal Beniamini
- Chaim Even Zohar
- 814 Amado
Ascending chains of quasiconvex free subgroups – Graduation Seminar
- Jack Kohav
- Amado 919
“Gap labelling for periodic Jacobi matrices on Trees”.
- Barry Simon (Caltech)
- Ilya Gekhtman and Ron Levie
- Zoom
Chen Idan (HUJI) — 0-1 Laws in Multi-Parameter Random Simplicial Complexes
- Chen Idan
- Chaim Even Zohar
- 814 Amado
Arithmeticity in Hyperbolic 3-manifolds – Graduation Seminar
- Yoav Sandner
- Amado 919
Majorization in Quantum Information Theory – Graduation Seminar
- Guy Shemesh
- zoom
ספט 2024
The Complex Illumination Problem
- Alon Schejter (Technion)
- Simeon Reich
- Room 814, Amado Mathematics Building
PieClam: A Universal Graph Autoencoder Based on Overlapping Inclusive and Exclusive Communities- Graduation Seminar
- Daniel Zilberg
- Amado 814
Fixed and Periodic Points of the Intersection Body Operator- Graduation Seminar
- שחר שבלמן
- Amado 617
אוק 2024
Research Workshop on Control and Optimization October 29-31,2024 Via Zoom
- Zoom
נוב 2024
Invariant random orders on groups
- Yair Glasner (BGU)
- Amado 814
Raphael Yuster (Haifa) — An entropy inequality and almost k-union closed set systems
- Raphael Yuster
- Chaim Even Zohar
- 814 Amado
On the structure of varieties over free associative algebras
- Zlil Sela (HUJI)
- Amado 509
Michael Chapman (Courant) — Subgroup Tests and the Aldous-Lyons conjecture
- Michael Chapman
- Chaim Even Zohar
- 814 Amado
Quantifying proximity of almost commuting unitaries to bonafide commuting unitaries
- Lucas Hall (Haifa University and Michigan State University)
- Adam Dor-On and Orr Shalit
- Amado 814 and zoom
On self-similar measures and restricted projections
- Amir Algom (Oranim)
- Amado 814
Rigidity in hyperbolic systems
- Federico Rodriguez-Hertz (Pennsylvania State University)
- Ilya Gekhtman and Ron Levie
- Amado 232
"Action Now"
- Amir Algom (Universitty of Haifa-Oranim) and Ilya Gekhtman (Technion)
- Amado 232
Crash Intro to Real and Complex K-theory for Compact Spaces for the Functional Analyst
- Chaim Schochet (Technion)
- Adam Dor-On and Orr Shalit
- Amado 814, Technion
CANCELED: Gal Beniamini (HUJI) — The Rank-Ramsey Problem and the Log-Rank Conjecture
- Gal Beniamini
- Chaim Even Zohar
- 814 Amado
The secret life of real K-theory
- Chaim Schochet (Technion)
- Adam-Dor On
- Amado 814 and Zoom
Hidden symmetries and the Dehn fillings on all but one cusp of hyperbolic link complements
- Priyadip Mondal (BGU)
- Amado 509
דצמ 2024
Novel Patterns in a Class of Klein-Gordon Equations
- Philip Rosenau
- Nadav Dym
- Amado 814