יונ 2023
An inertial iterative algorithm for approximating solutions to variational inclusion problems in Banach spaces.
- Olawale K. Oyewole (Technion)
- Prof. Simeon Reich
- Room 814, Amado Mathematics Building
Structure theorems for the Host-Kra characteristic factors and inverse theorems for the Gowers norms
- Or Shalom (IAS)
- Amado 814
Quantitative near-bipartiteness: mixing, parity breaking, max cut, and eigenvalue gap
- Jonathan Hermon (UBC)
- Meyer building (electrical engeneering), room 861
Continuities of operator semigroups
- Ami Viselter (University of Haifa)
- Orr Shalit
- Amado 814
Igor Balla (HUJI) — Equiangular lines via matrix projection
- Igor Balla (HUJI)
- Chaim Even Zohar
- 814 Amado
Complex geometry and the isometries of the hyperbolic space
- Misha Verbitsky (IMPA)
- Amado 719
Cable Car Algebra Seminar: Root groupoid and Lie superalgebras
- Vladimir Hinich (University of Haifa)
- Max Gurevich, Anton Khoroshkin, Danny Neftin, Howard Nuer
- U. of Haifa, Main Building, Auditorium 626
Cable Car Algebra Seminar: Tropical Methods in $A^1$-Enumerative Geometry
- Andrés Jaramillo Puentes (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
- Max Gurevich, Anton Khoroshkin, Danny Neftin, Howard Nuer
- U. of Haifa, Main Building, Auditorium 626
A regularized Tseng method for solving variational inclusion problems and its applications
- Adeolu Taiwo (Technion)
- Room 814, Amado Mathematics Building
Generalized chase-escape models and weighted Catalan numbers
- Saraí Hernández-Torres (Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM)
- Meyer building (electrical engeneering), room 861
Wojciech Samotij (TAU) — Simonovits’s theorem in random graphs
- Wojciech Samotij
- Chaim Even Zohar
- 814 Amado
Dynamic and Numeric Aspects of Poisson Brackets Invariants
- Itamar Rosenfeld-Rauch
- Amado 719
Dynamic and Numeric Aspects of Poisson Brackets Invariants – Graduation seminar
- Itamar Rosenfeld Rauch
- Amadao 719
Cable Car Algebra Seminar: On the Hilbert Property in Several Variables
- Pierre Debes (Lille University)
- Max Gurevich, Anton Khoroshkin, Danny Neftin, Howard Nuer
- Technion, Amado Building, Room 814
Comparing the Methods of Alternating and Simultaneous Projections for Two Subspaces
- Rafal Zalas (Technion)
- Simeon Reich
- Room 814, Amado Mathematics Building
Fourier decay for smooth images of self-similar measures
- Amir Algom (Haifa)
- Amado 814
An Application of Aluthge Transforms to Noncommutative Function Theory
- Paul S. Muhly (University of Iowa)
- Orr Shalit
- Amado 814 (and zoom)
Paul Duncan (HUJI) — Plaquette Percolation and Ising Lattice Gauge Theory
- Paul Duncan
- Chaim Even Zohar
- 814 Amado
Around effectivity problems in number theory
- Umberto Zannier (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)
- Amado 232
יול 2023
The BCFW Tiling of the Amplituhedron
- Chaim Even-Zohar
- Ariel Rapaport, Ilya Gekhtman
- 232 Amado
Extrema of two-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau fields
- Florian Schweiger (Weizmann)
- Meyer (EE) 861
Shlomo Hoory (Tel Hai) — The Girth of Graph Lifts
- Shlomo Hoory
- Chaim Even Zohar
- 814 Amado
Summer School 2023-In Algebraic Geometry: Derived Categories, Stability Conditions, and Moduli
Analysis of Stability and Accuracy of Permutation Invariant Embedding Schemes – Graduation Seminar
- Ravina Ravina
- Amado 814
אוג 2023
Computational Methods for Harmonic Mappings and its Uniqueness – Master graduation seminar
- Terry Wallace
ספט 2023
Almost-Universal Quadratic Forms and Special Cubic Fourfolds – MSc Graduation Seminar
- Elad Gal
- Amado 719
אוק 2023
Stirling Numbers, Touchard Polynomials, Dobinski’s Formula and Random Set Partitions
- רוס פינסקי
- זום
נוב 2023
בניות חדשות בתורה ספקטרלית של גרפים – סמינר סיום דוקטורט
- סולימאן חמוד
- אמאדו 719
Stirling Numbers, Touchard Polynomials, Dobinski’s Formula and Random Set Partitions
- רוס פינסקי
- אמאדו 719
From Stochastic to Deterministic: Stochastic Gradient Descent in Non-convex and high Dimensional Problems
- Inbar Seroussi
- Nadav Dym
- Amado 814 (and zoom)
קבוצות מושלמות ותכנית קנטור, או, למה השערת הרצף נכונה בפועל
- ים פלזנשטיין
- זום- קישורים מופיעים בתיאור האירוע
• Stirling Numbers, Touchard Polynomials, Dobinski’s Formula and Random Set Partitions – Third Lecture
- רוס פינסקי
- ZOOM + 719
On (non)parametric estimation of low and high-dimensional data
- Shira Faigenbaum-Golovin
- Nadav Dym
- zoom
Cable Car Algebra Seminar: Bi-interpretations and their application to Chevalley groups
- Helen Bunina (Bar Ilan)
- Max Gurevich, Anton Khoroshkin, Danny Neftin, Howard Nuer
- Technion, Amado Building, Room 814
Cable Car Algebra Seminar: The Topology and Arithmetic of Hurwitz Spaces (lecture 1)
- Mark Shusterman (Weizmann)
- Max Gurevich, Anton Khoroshkin, Danny Neftin, Howard Nuer
- Technion, Amado Building, Room 814
דצמ 2023
Structure theorems for the Host–Kra characteristic factors and inverse theorems for the Gowers uniformity norms
- Or Shalom (IAS)
- https://technion.zoom.us/j/96584779784
על התורה של זהויות פולינומיאליות (חלק 2)
- אלי אלחדף
- https://technion.zoom.us/j/98250836997 + אמאדו 814
Cable Car Algebra Seminar: Arithmetic Local Systems and Siegel Linearization
- Borys Kadets (Hebrew University)
- Max Gurevich, Anton Khoroshkin, Danny Neftin, Howard Nuer
- Technion, Amado Building, Room 814
Cable Car Algebra Seminar: Combinatorial wall-crossing via the Mullineux involution
- Galyna Dobrovolska (Ariel University)
- Max Gurevich, Anton Khoroshkin, Danny Neftin, Howard Nuer
- Technion, Amado Building, Room 814