The reducible components of the curve f(x)=g(y) for f indecomposable of large degree – Graduation Seminar

The reducible components of the curve f(x)=g(y) for f indecomposable of large degree – Graduation Seminar

The reducible components of the curve f(x)=g(y) for f indecomposable of large degree – Graduation Seminar

Thursday, June 22, 2023
  • Lecturer: Tal Monderer
  • Location: Amado 814

סטודנטית: טל מונדרר, דוקטורנטית

מנחה: פרופ"ח דני נפטין

Title: The reducible components of the curve f(x)=g(y) for f indecomposable of large degree Abstract: Families of rational functions f,g for which the curve f(x)=g(y) is reducible give rise to interesting phenomena in number theory and complex analysis. It is known that no such indecomposable polynomials exist when deg f > 33; for rational functions little is known. We describe the possible factorizations when f is taken to be rational, indecomposable of large degree, relying on an analysis of low genus coverings with Galois closure contained in that of f.    
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