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Dec 2024
Non-commutative boundary theory and Arveson’s hyperrigidity conjecture
- Adam Dor-On (U. Haifa)
- Orr Shalit
- Amado 814 and zoom
Feb 2024
Biholomorphisms between subvarieties of noncommutative operator balls
- Jeet Sampat (Technion)
- Adam Dor-On and Orr Shalit
- Amado 814
Jan 2024
Some Coactions on Topological Quiver C*-algebras
- Lucas Hall (Haifa University and Michigan State University)
- Adam Dor-On and Orr Shalit
- Amado 814
Shifts of finite type and C*-algebras
- Boris Bilich (Haifa University and Gottingen University)
- Adam Dor-On and Orr Shalit
- Amado 814
Jun 2023
An Application of Aluthge Transforms to Noncommutative Function Theory
- Paul S. Muhly (University of Iowa)
- Orr Shalit
- Amado 814 (and zoom)
Continuities of operator semigroups
- Ami Viselter (University of Haifa)
- Orr Shalit
- Amado 814
May 2023
Towards a noncommutative theory of Cowen-Douglas class of noncommuting operators
- Prahllad Deb (BGU)
- Orr Shalit
- Amado 814
Borel asymptotic dimension for boundary actions of hyperbolic groups
- Petr Naryshkin (Munster)
- Orr Shalit
- Amado 814
Isometric dilation and von Neumann inequality for a class of n-tuples of commuting contractions
- Sibaprasad Barik (BGU)
- Orr Shalit
- Amado 814
Mar 2023
Norms of basic operators in vector valued model spaces and de Branges spaces
- Kousik Dhara
- Orr Shalit
- Amado 814