Feb 2025
Generalization, Expressivity, and Universality of Graph Neural Networks on Attributed Graphs
- Levi Rauchwerger
- Amado 814
Mar 2025
Landscapes Evolutionary Dynamics on Degenerate Flat Landscapes
- Razi Fachareldeen
- NBRL seminar room (Fischbach 430) , ECE faculty
May 2025
On-site Workshop on Control and Optimization II
- Simeon Reich, Vladimir Shikhman, Boris Vexler, Alexander Zaslavski
- Amado 232
Feb 2025
On the fixed point structure of local CPTP maps
- Raz Firanko (Technion-IIT)
- Adam Dor-On and Orr Shalit
- Amado 234 and Zoom
Finding structure in high dimensional data
- Ilya Gekhtman and Ron Levie
- Boaz Nadler (Weizmann Institute)
Sublinear distortion and quasi-isometric classification of solvable Lie groups
- Ido Graevsky (BGU)
- Ulman 102
Jan 2025
Hyperbolicity of orbits in Anosov flows
- Tali Pinsky (Technion)
- Amado 919
The ideal intersection property for partial reduced crossed products
- Larissa Kroell (University of Waterloo)
- Adam Dor-On and Orr Shalit
- Amado 814 and Zoom
Tom Waknine (Technion) — On Reductions of Learning Problems and the Borsuk-Ulam theorem
- Tom Waknine
- Chaim Even Zohar
- 814 Amado
Surface Diffusion: Some new results and approaches
- Amy Novick-Cohen
- Nadav Dym
- Amado 814
Diophantine properties of Sudler products
- Dmitry Gayfulin (Technion)
- Amado 814
Rigid versus proximal actions and the classification of intermediate algebras of crossed products
- Yair Glasner (Ben-Gurion University)
- Adam Dor-On and Orr Shalit
- Amado 814 and Zoom
Asaf Cohen Antonir (Tel Aviv) — Weak saturation and collapsible complexes in a random graph
- Asaf Cohen Antonir
- Chaim Even Zohar
- 814 Amado
Unlikely phenomena for the Fibonacci sequence
- Adi Ostrov (Bar Ilan)
- Nick Crawford and Howard Nuer
- Faculty Lounge 8th floor Amado
So, what are Stresses? Some Mathematical Aspects of Stress Theory
- Prof. Reuven Segev, Department of Mechanical Engineering, BGU
- Nadav Dym
- Amado 814
Rigidity, Beyond the Generic Setting
- Elad Tzalic (Weizmann)
- Meyer building (electrical engeneering), room 861
Extravagance, irrationality and Diophantine approximation
- Jon Aaronson (TAU)
- Amado 814
The noncommutative Choquet boundary and approximation theory
- Ian Thompson (University of Copenhagen)
- Adam Dor-On and Orr Shalit
- Amado 814 and Zoom
Eden Kuperwasser (Tel Aviv) – On the anti-Ramsey threshold
- Eden Kuperwasser
- Chaim Even Zohar
- 814 Amado
The Next Generation CayleyNet
- Yuanchen Zhou
- Amado 8th floor - Meetings room
Uniform L-infinity mixing time for powers of random elements of compact Lie groups
- Saar Bader (Technion)
- Amado 814
Reduction theory in the non-stationary setup
- Yeor Hafouta (University of Florida)
- Meyer building (electrical engeneering), room 861
ADHM spaces and their quantizations
- Vasily Krylov (Harvard University)
- Ilya Gekhtman and Ron Levie
- Amado 232
Cable Car Algebra Seminar: The units of algebraic K-theory
- Shahar Carmely (Weizmann)
- Max Gurevich, Anton Khoroshkin, Danny Neftin, Howard Nuer, Ofir Gorodetsky, Itai Glazer
- Technion, Amado Building, Room 814
Cable Car Algebra Seminar: Demushkin groups of infinite rank in Galois theory
- Tamar Bar-On (Oxford)
- Max Gurevich, Anton Khoroshkin, Danny Neftin, Howard Nuer, Ofir Gorodetsky, Itai Glazer
- Technion, Amado Building, Room 814
Gal Beniamini (HUJI) — The Rank-Ramsey Problem and the Log-Rank Conjecture
- Gal Beniamini
- Chaim Even Zohar
- 814 Amado
Dimension of self-similar fractals on the line
- Zhou Feng (Technion)
- Nick Crawford and Howard Nuer
- Faculty Lounge 8th floor Amado
תחרות חדו״א בין-אוניברסיטאית
- ד״ר אלון דמיטריוק (הטכניון), ד״ר יוחאי מעין (אוניברסיטת תל אביב והטכניון), אנה פרילוצקי (הטכניון)
- ד"ר אביב צנזור
- אמאדו 232 + ZOOM
Charge fluctuations in the hierarchical Coulomb gas
- Alon Nishry (TAU)
- Meyer building (electrical engeneering), room 861
Ruijsenaars hyperbolic system.
- Sergey Khoroshkin (Technion and HSE Moscow)
- Ilya Gekhtman and Ron Levie
- Amado 232
Exponential volume limits
- Snir Ben Ovadia (PSU)
- Amado 814
Cable Car Algebra Seminar: Centralizers of rank one in the first Weyl algebra
- Leonid Makar-Limanov (Wayne)
- Max Gurevich, Anton Khoroshkin, Danny Neftin, Howard Nuer, Ofir Gorodetsky, Itai Glazer
- Technion, Amado Building, Room 814
Cable Car Algebra Seminar: Invitation to probabilistic number theory
- Ofir Gorodetsky (Technion)
- Max Gurevich, Anton Khoroshkin, Danny Neftin, Howard Nuer, Ofir Gorodetsky, Itai Glazer
- Technion, Amado Building, Room 814
Omri Ben-Eliezer (Technion) — On the instance optimality of detecting collisions and subgraphs
- Omri Ben-Eliezer
- Chaim Even Zohar
- 814 Amado
Dec 2024
quasi-isometric embeddings of RAAGs
- Shaked Bader (Oxford)
- Amado 509
Shlomo Hoory (Tel Hai) — Entropy and the growth rate of universal covering trees
- Shlomo Hoory
- Chaim Even Zohar
- 814 Amado
On the local convergence of random Lipschitz functions on a regular tree
- Yinon Spinka (TAU)
- Meyer building (electrical engeneering), room 861
The Dry Ten Martini Problem for Sturmian Schrödinger Operators
- Ram Band (Technion)
- Ilya Gekhtman and Ron Levie
- Amado 232
The isomorphism problem for analytic discs and the embedding dimension for complete Pick spaces
n-Engel groups for large n
- Agatha Atkarskaya (HUJI)
- Amado 919
Products of unital operator spaces
- Travis Russell (Texas Christian University)
- Adam Dor-On and Orr Shalit
- Amado 814 and Zoom
Special Lecture: Michael Simkin (MIT) — Construction, Counting, and Finding Structure with Random Processes
- Michael Simkin
- Chaim Even Zohar
- 232 Amado
Quenched limits for sub-ballistic random walks in random conductances: high and low dimensions
- Carlo Scali (TUM)
- Meyer building (room 861)
Sum-product phenomenon for sets of positive density in the integer lattice.
- Alexander Fish (University of Sydney)
- Ilya Gekhtman and Ron Levie
- Amado 232
Shift equivalence and flow equivalence for SFTs
- Kevin Aguyar Brix (University of Southern Denmark)
- Adam Dor-On and Orr Shalit
- Amado 814 and Zoom
Igal Sason (Technion) – Combinatorial Applications of the Shearer Inequalities in Graph Theory and Boolean Functions
- Igal Sason
- Chaim Even Zohar
- 814 Amado
Uncovering Group Laws via Random Walks
- Gil Goffer (UCSD)
- Amado 814
Deep Learning on Sets and Distributions via Euclidean Embeddings
- Tal Amir
- Nadav Dym
- Amado 814
Cable Car Algebra Seminar: On Generating Series of Cohomology of Generalized Configuration Spaces
- Anton Khoroshkin (U. Haifa)
- Max Gurevich, Anton Khoroshkin, Danny Neftin, Howard Nuer
- Technion, Amado Building, Room 814
Cable Car Algebra Seminar: The power operation in Galois cohomology of reductive groups over number fields.
- Mikhail Borovoi (TAU)
- Max Gurevich, Anton Khoroshkin, Danny Neftin, Howard Nuer
- Technion, Amado Building, Room 814
What is a Zappa-Szep product?
- Boyu Li (New Mexico State University)
- Adam Dor-On and Orr Shalit
- Amado 814 and Zoom
Shaul Zemel (HUJI) — Polynomial Expressions for the Dimensions of the Representations of Symmetric Groups and Restricted Standard Young Tableaux
- Shaul Zemel
- Chaim Even Zohar
- 814 Amado
Learning Under Privacy: Connections to Online Learning and Ramsey Theory
- Hilla Schefler (Technion)
- Nick Crawford and Howard Nuer
- Faculty Lounge 8th floor Amado
Non-commutative boundary theory and Arveson’s hyperrigidity conjecture
- Adam Dor-On (U. Haifa)
- Orr Shalit
- Amado 814 and zoom
Novel Patterns in a Class of Klein-Gordon Equations
- Philip Rosenau
- Nadav Dym
- Amado 814