Cable Car Algebra Seminar: Generalized Kummer surfaces over finite fields.

Cable Car Algebra Seminar: Generalized Kummer surfaces over finite fields.

Cable Car Algebra Seminar: Generalized Kummer surfaces over finite fields.

Thursday, June 6, 2024
  • Lecturer: Sergey Rybakov (IITP)
  • Organizer: Max Gurevich, Anton Khoroshkin, Danny Neftin, Howard Nuer
  • Location: Technion, Amado Building, Room 814

 We classify finite groups that act on abelian surfaces over a given finite field such that the quotient is birationally equivalent to a K3 surface. This is a refinement of the classical result due to Katsura. As a application we study traces of Frobenius for suprsingular K3 surfaces over finite fields.

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