Boxing Inequality

Boxing Inequality

Boxing Inequality

Monday, February 5, 2024
  • Lecturer: Sergey Avvakumov
  • Organizer: Ilya Gekhtman and Ron Levie
  • Location: Amado 232

Recall the definition of the $m$th Hausdorff content of a metric space $X$: it is the infimum of $\sum d_i^m$, wherethe infimum is taken over all coverings of $X$ by a finite collection of open metric balls, and $d_i$denote the diameters of these balls.A subset $X$ of a Banach space (of finite or infinite dimension) can always be contracted, or "filled", via a homotopy to an $(m-1)$-dimensional subpolyhedron. The boxing inequality states that the $m$th Hausdorff content of the homotopy can be bounded in terms of the $m$th Hausdorff content of $X$. Note, that this differs from the classical isoperimetric inequality where the $(m+1)$th volume of the filling is bounded.I will discuss the proof of this result and its connections to the notions of Gromov's filling radius, Urysohn width, systole, relations between these notions, and corresponding geometric inequalities.

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