An inertial iterative algorithm for approximating solutions to variational inclusion problems in Banach spaces.

An inertial iterative algorithm for approximating solutions to variational inclusion problems in Banach spaces.

An inertial iterative algorithm for approximating solutions to variational inclusion problems in Banach spaces.

Sunday, June 11, 2023
  • Lecturer: Olawale K. Oyewole (Technion)
  • Organizer: Prof. Simeon Reich
  • Location: Room 814, Amado Mathematics Building
Abstract: We consider the problem of approximating an element in the solution set of a variational inclusion problem. We propose an inertial iterative method for solving such problems for the sum of two monotone operators in the framework of real reflexive Banach spaces. In order to achieve strong convergence of the generated approximating sequences, we use a modified Halpern method. Some numerical experiments and applications of our main result are also presented.
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